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>Kamux Corporation Share Management transactions

Management transactions

Kamux Corporation’s managers and their closely associated persons referred to in the market abuse regulation ((EU) No 596/2014 “MAR”)  must follow the below instructions in notifying their transactions relating to Kamux Oyj’s shares .

The notifications must be given to Kamux Corporation and the Financial Supervisory Authority immediately. The notifications must be given within one (2) working day of the transaction, at the latest. Any delay will result in sanctions. Kamux requires the notifications to be given regardless of the monetary value of the transaction.

Further information on the regulation concerning the notifications of managers’ and their closely associated persons’ transactions and on the electonic services is available at FIN-FSA’s website

Privacy Notice on Registers related to market abuse regulation and related party matters

Instructions for filling the transaction notification form
  1. Please fill in the transaction notification form (electronic form) in FIN-FSA’s electronic services. Save the form filled in the electronic services as a PDF file.
  2. Please send the notification to the Company immediately after the transaction. E-mail the PDF file as an attachment to ir@kamux.fi  
Information needed in filling in the form  
LEI code of Kamux Corporation 743700KCVYIYNLPZYN56
Ticker symbol of Kamux Corporation KAMUX
ISIN code of Kamux Corporation FI4000206750
Notification reference to be generated automatically on the form when saving (no need to be filled in)


Kamux publishes the notification as a stock exchange release without delay after having received it.

Published transaction notifications by managers and their closely associated persons can be found in the Releases section under Managers’ transactions.

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