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>Kamux Corporation About us Corporate responsibility

Responsible used car sales

Kamux aims to offer competitively priced cars that meet the customers’ needs.  We renew Finland’s vehicle fleet by importing newer cars with lower CO₂ emissions compared to the average car currently used on Finnish roads. We also offer  a comprehensive selection of alternative power sources. 

We aim to be a forerunner of car retail by being reliable, open and transparent.

For our personnel,  we are a fair and inspiring employer that provides employees with interesting  and motivating career opportunities internationally.

Key responsibility themes

The purpose of the goals and performance metrics related to our responsibility themes and is to give an overall picture of the responsibility of our operations. We systematically review the relevance of the goals and performance metrics and develop monitoring and data collection as part of business management. 

Our three central responsibility themes contain the responsibility topics that are material to our operations. More details about our responsibility themes and metrics are available in our Annual Report.

Sensible choices

  • Newer cars, alternative power sources
  • Promoting circular economy
  • Efficient operations

We enable newer car purchase to many consumers by offering a versatile selection of used cars. By importing cars, we lower the average age of the vehicle fleet in Finland.

Worth the trust

  • Reliable information on cars
  • Excellent customer experience
  • Value for society

A key business principle for Kamux is to operate responsibly. We aim to be the forerunner of car retail by being reliable, open, and transparent.

Enthusiasm for work

  • Versatile career opportunities
  • Promoting expertise and well-being
  • Striving for diversity

Kamux wants to be a fair, inspiring, and motivating employer. A committed and motivated personnel  is the key to our success.

Corporate responsibility goals and performance metrics

Sensible choices
Themes and topics Goals Central metrics and actual 2022 UN Sustainable Development Goals
Newer cars, alternative power sources
  • We enable newer car purchase to many
  • We bring lower emission cars to the roads and renew the car fleet
  • Vehicles sold 62,922
  • Age and share of alternative power sources of imported cars (in Finland) 4.8 yrs. / 53.4%
SDG 12
Promoting circular economy
  • Maintenance and repair measures and equipment upgrades extend the life-cycle of cars
  • 50% of vehicles sold
SDG 12

Efficient operations

  • We use resources sensibly and expect the same from our partners
  • We lead our operations with knowledge on supply and demand, we optimize routes and modes of transport when moving vehicles
  • Fuel consumption 30 liters / vehicle sold

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Worth the trust
Themes and topics Goals Central metrics and actual 2022 UN Sustainable Development Goals
Reliable information on cars
  • Corrective decisions related to the cost sharing of car repairs after the sale
  • Decisions recommending rectification, % of cars sold: Finland 0.07%, Sweden 0.13%
Excellent customer experience
  • Kamux offers smooth, transparent customer experiences, encouraging customers to recommend Kamux
  • We are the forerunner in car retail in creating a culture of trust and openness
  • Customer satisfaction 4/5 (target level at 4/5)
  • 1 notification received through the whistleblowing channel
Value for society
  • We create economic well-being in society
  • Salaries paid EUR 38 million
  • Tax footprint EUR 74.8 million
Enthusiasm for work
Themes and topics Goals Central metrics and actual 2022 UN Sustainable Development Goals*
Versatile career opportunities
  • We offer a dynamic work community with opportunities to develop as a car retail expert
  • Growth in number of personnel: 35 FTE's
  • 86 internal recruitments
SDG 4, SDG 8
Promoting expertise and well-being
  • Committed, skilled, and motivated personnel is the key to Kamux’s success
  • Score of work satisfaction and well-being surveys by country: group average 3.9 / 5
  • Health percentage of employees: 43.2
SDG 4, SDG 8

Striving for diversity

  • We aim to become a more diverse work community
  • We treat employees equally
  • Gender distribution: 10% women
  • 34 languages spoken by the personnel
  • Width of age range: 16–84 yrs.

SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equal high-quality education and lifelong learning opportunities

SDG 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work

Management of corporate responsibility and risks

Kamux’s Management Team is responsible for setting and monitoring the themes, goals, and performance metrics of the corporate responsibility program. The Board of Directors of Kamux approves the corporate responsibility program and the results of the work and discusses matters related to responsibility in their meetings. The Chief People Officer along with the corporate responsibility working group coordinate daily responsibility work with experts in various fields.

Risks related to corporate responsibility are identified and managed as a part of Kamux’s comprehensive risk management work. In addition, responsibility topics, including the related risks, are discussed in every Management Team meeting, and they are included on the agenda of the Audit Committee and form a part of the Board of Directors’ reporting package.

Kamux will publish its updated responsibility program and goals during 2024.

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