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>Kamux Corporation Governance Remuneration


Kamux’s remuneration policy aims at determining remuneration practices that encourage to promote the company’s growth strategy, long-term financial success and shareholder value. Likewise, the remuneration policy enables recruiting a competent management and Board of Directors and ensuring their commitment to the company.

Decision-making process concerning remuneration

Shareholders of the company annually decide on the remuneration paid to the Board of Directors and the principles for the compensation of expenses in the General Meeting. According to the remuneration policy, the Shareholders’ Nomination Board prepares a proposal to the General Meeting on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors in accordance with the remuneration policy for the company’s bodies.

The remuneration of the CEO is decided by the Board of Directors. Since 2022, the Board of Directors has had a Personnel and Remuneration Committee, whose main task is to deal with the remuneration and appointment of the CEO and the other members of the Management Team, as well as the remuneration principles followed by the company. The Committee is also responsible for preparing the remuneration policy and the remuneration report of the company's governing bodies and presenting them to the General Meeting.

Remuneration Report

Kamux publishes its Remuneration Report annualy.

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